Tuesday, October 10, 2006


We are creatures of pattern, of habbit, of repetition. I was thinking this earlier while getting ready to bathe. I brush my hair, I find my flip-flops, I shampoo, condition, try not to let my bar of soap hit the ground while looking for my luffa, and so on. Even in the simplest of things.
It made me wonder what kind of patterns Jesus had. Or even God. Like when He was making the animals. Did he start with the color, or stripes, maybe the hoof or paw. I guess he could have just made them, but I find a kind of comfort in the pattern idea.

I was watching my friends talk about some hot subject right now. Gay rights, abortion, whatever. I don't even have to throw out positions, you know what they are. I stuck my thoughts in like everyone else, seeming like a better or worse person for saying them. Later on while I was thinking about pattrns, and how or who Jesus is. I wondered where He would stand. I was talking to some friends and my boyfriend about it, about Jesus and whether he made laws and tried to get people to believe them, or if he would just love people.
If you've noticed in the Bible the authors talk a lot about how he mainly talked in parables. I know the old testament proclaims we will know our messiah by his talking in parables. So, maybe Jesus would tell potentially pregnant or pregnant women parables.
Jesus was also direct though, like the time in the temple, where he flipped the tables and talked about not desecrating his fathers house. I don't think there were any parables there. Or in Mathew or like Mark where he is asked what the most important law, of all those given. He says it is to love the Lord thy God above all else. So he is direct.
Maybe he would give some direct parable, maybe he would tell us what to do, maybe he wouldn't. But I know as iron sharpens iron so a man should sharpen his brother in Christ, and sadly most conversation about that subject aren't started for growing or learning but for the sake of proving what we learned in our sunday school or saw on a video or read on some web site. Or maybe that's just how I have caught myself starting them, maybe it's my own human error. Maybe it's my a humanly flaw.

It's deffinitly a negitive pattren I have picked up. I think there is something in listening that is key to wisdom. Perhaps instead of mouthing off whatever I feel like I know that others don't, I will listen and think. Then open my mouth. Then say something. I know I have often knicked others instead of sharpening them.

Here's to improving our character, and trying to be upright again...

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I hadn't spent anytime in the bible for about a month or more. The last time I was on my knees was three weeks ago and I didn't want to go back in fear of God answering my prayers again. Last time I asked him to shake me up, turn my world around, put me back on the path for him. the lesosn learned was to be careful what you pray for, along with other things.
I had not helped anyone out. I hadn't given to the needy. The lost had walked by me and I have not tried to help them in the least. I had been careless with my faith, with my walk with christ and it showed in my life.

I was stressed out. I was short tempered, and best of all my life was in ruins. Yes my life was in ruins, and yes I am only in college. Yes that is a collge that costs too much, and yes even now I am typing on my fancy computer in a coffee shop.

That was when I remembered that I sighned up for the bread of life. This ministry project that goes down town to help out the homeless. Feed them, talk to them, clothe them. I had just finished band and decided to go. So I went, by myself to help the homeless.
I don't know if I helped very much, I kinda just stood against a wall. When I wasn't standing next to a wall I was talking to people. I didn't serve them food. I didn't help them pick out clothes. I talked to them. I don't know if I acomplished anything with anyone that day, or if I made anyones day better but I went. I met two homeless men. well actually I met about seven. we talked about baseball, we talked about music. we talked about how a lady there looked a lot like she could be hillary clintons daughter. We talked about school. Kids, being one and having them. But I spent the most time talking to these two men. they were old, they had kids. Jake, he had daughters who went on to be very succesful. All three of his daughters graduated from college with honors and are now married to very successful men. I don't know why he is homeless. I didn't ask.

I don't know why they were there, some of them. Some of them, some of them really didnt look homeless. Just poor. they were just there to eat dinner because they probably couldnt afford to have dinner at home. I met a guy there that didn't look to bad. To homeless I mean. excuse me as my inner ignorance is caught. He didn't look like he had been living on the street very long, and he hadn't. He had just gotten out of jail. He didn't say what he went there for and I didn't ask. His kids wont talk to him. He has no connections socially and has no where to go and no one will hire a guy right out of jail. I guess when you think your life is in ruins something always has to happen to show you it could be worse.

Nothing amazing happened when I was there really. there were no mircales. No one came to christ in a dramatic way. we didn't even talk about him. But we did talk about ourselves.

I was leaning against this wall, and I never lean against walls and keep to myself. I can normally talk to stranges. But I just felt pinned to that wall. How do you talk about the new season of lost to someone who doesnt even have a tv? I leaned against that spot. I realized I hadn't eaten since lunch at around noon. It was now 8:30. I was terribly hungry. I guess they were too though.

We talked about being homeless on the way back to school. A girl asked our driver, a boy only a year older than me who had just spent the week living on the streets with the homeless as a plan to get to know them better. She asked, do you think if they could just walk out of it they would? He replied yes. But it is so hard to start over again most of them stay where they are.

I don't think I have reached that point of no return yet. And for that I guess I will continue to press on. With the minor troubles and tragedys that occur. If you could even call them that.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

lil john and the e side crew

I was on my way to the beach this weekend with some new friends at college. We were going to play some football. I was sitting in the back of this guy's subaru, reminded of how I had a friend with one and the first time he took me in it we went 120 down West from Herndon. Those in the no know what I am talking about. I dreaded the game and busied myself carousing his cd booklet. Something very old fashioned and still lovely to me.
We talked about music, and what artist we like. I said yes, I do like rap music. I think it is very neat how the beats and fast words can sound so nice. He asked me what type of rap music I listent to, maintstream or underground. I said whatever I can get. I also said my favorite rap artist was little john. i think he is doing somethign unique in rap music, and I like his style. I am not going to lie.

He said he liked rap music too. He then said something rather convicting to me. He said he did like rap music. but he threw away all his music because it was degrading, and trying to grow in the spirit is impossible when listening to that type of stuff. he said it just kinda brings his spirit down, so he stays off of it.

he stays off of it. like it was a drug.
I felt kinda like I have been cheating myself of something. that i was blocking off by listening to degrading music. i started to argue the fact in my mind, and couldnt help but think my spirit does better when I am filled with holyer things than lil john and the east side crew.

Sometimes, what we do fills us up I guess. Our music, our words, our actions...But we may just be so used to it that it doesnt 'effect' us anymore. But maybe it does, maybe inadverntently it does I mean. Because the things we could do instead might be just a little more beneficial to us. So when we have the chance to be in Gods presence, or to live a Godly life style, why do we go astray?

So I will still listen to lil john still with the girls in the car on the way to the dance club. They probably won't be on my top 25 playlist anymore though. I know I will still pass up those God moments that are waiting for me even now. But at least maybe now I can be a little more in tune to finding God this month. this week. or at least tomorrow.