Thursday, June 30, 2011

Love is strong as death

Tonight is the second night at OGN. A trip I have taken with my church for roughly the past 8 years. It has been a time that I've learned God will use to sculpt you into a better person if you allow him to.
I wanted to write up a quick blog so my family and friends praying for us here would know what's going on, and how they might hear prayers answered.

We had a fairly tough arrival, what with our trailer getting a flat tire before we even reached the grape vine(were in san diego). Our girls weren't in the same rooms as each other, one was even put down as a boy and I don't think she was too happy about her room assignment at all. On a trip to get dinner we were blessed to know our driver could successfuly coast into a gas station with the engine off and the tank empty. It was a very trying day and took a lot of laughing at things to make it through but we made it.

Today we spent our first day out talking to strangers and a lot of our kids had a great conversations. And the sermon tonight was killer.
Brandon spoke on asking God to shake it up, and being willing to surrender your desires and your wants. It brought forth a lot of girls who asked for prayer and help on the things they wanted to surrender. It was humbling and a really amazing night to see God moving in young people. Even now in our dorm a girl has asked to speak to a leader, and o can hear more praying and talking outside. It makes me excited to see what God is doing in these young people and fills me with joy to know I am in a community truly willing and desiring to earnestly seek his will.
Please continue to pray for us as we learn to create conversations that lead to conversion, and that we be open to the messages from the speakers.
Thanks for reading!

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